
Our Mission

Our mission is to help young men "in the middle" make academic and SEL gains and access sustainable futures. YMWAP creates a new culture of brotherhood, respect, and aspiration for Boston's Black and Latino teens to help them achieve college, career, and life success. 

At YMWAP we wake up every day called to action by two studies illuminating Boston’s wealth and life expectancy gaps. “The Color of Wealth'' of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston found White households had 13 times the wealth of Black households. Survey data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “500 Cities'' project finds a nearly 30 year difference in life expectancy between people living in Roxbury and people living in Back Bay neighborhoods of Boston. YMWAP is dedicated to closing these gaps through educating, mentoring, and exposing students to new ideas, places, experiences and college and career options. 

Our Approach 

Young Man with a Plan:

Is a 5+-year program of sustained mentoring serving 250 Black and Latino teens and young adults aged 14 - 24

Serves students “in the middle” who both have potential and are at risk of getting lost

Has a focus on both academic and social-emotional growth

Provides a safe place for young men from 8 Boston schools, all Boston neighborhoods and different cultures to meet together to share their hopes, fears, challenges and achievements

Is led by Dr. Jaykyri Simpson, whose doctoral research focused on college persistence in Black males, and a talented program staff

Has a male of color mentor team of 8, one in each participating school, who support students, form a supportive brotherhood, receive annual professional development, and bring the learning back into their schools

Helps students understand college/career options and develop a Success Plan

Includes community service, cultural events, and a NH weekend wilderness trip

Provides opportunities for young men to meet and learn from successful men through their leaders, mentors, Men of Color Career Night, and enrichment like filmmaking, writing, and financial literacy.

Is guided by a diverse Board of Boston school and nonprofit leaders

What Distinguishes YMWAP from Other Mentoring Programs

YMWAP is cross sector/cross race/cross neighborhood/cross culture. We have created a brotherhood that builds understanding, breaks down walls, and disrupts violence.

Sustained relationship, trust-building, mentoring through high school and during early college and career

Weekly meetings are a great time of brotherhood, checking in and learning. Our work, however, continues outside of the meeting. There is ongoing communication, often to address acute issues at home, in school or in relationships.

Serving young men in the middle, a somewhat forgotten population at risk of failing to progress and needing guidance to achieve their potential. Our young men all progress over the course of the program.

Excellent leadership and an extended mentor team who serve as role models for brotherhood, provide support for each other and encourage each other's growth.


Over 75% of our young men progress academically and nearly 100% grow socially and emotionally. Negative outcomes like teen parenthood, involvement in the criminal justice system, relationship violence, drug or alcohol abuse, and school suspension or expulsion are nearly nonexistent.

Demand for the program

YMWAP has a great and growing reputation. Our roster is full and the demand continues with constant requests to join or bring a friend. This is rarely the case for an after-school program that high school students must travel to. We have recently expanded into 7th grade.